PRACTICE AREA: Corporate & Business Transactions
Ms. VanDenHaute is a member of the Corporate and Business Transactions Department whose practice is focused on employee benefits, non-profit, tax-exempt entities, charitable organizations, and general corporate law.
p: 440.695.8075
f: 440.695.8098
Why did you begin practicing this area of law in the first place?
I love being able to find solutions for our clients and feeling as if we have eased at least one of their issues.
Why do/should people want to and choose to work with you?
I work hard to find the right answer and will always be honest when dealing with clients.
What is your passion? What makes you tick?
My two little guys, Charlie and Finn.
What one quote resonates with you, either personally or professionally (or both)?
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”
– Unknown
What else should we know about you?
Love to travel, Cleveland sports teams and hanging out with my family.
What's in your wallet/purse right this very minute? What do you never leave home without?
I typically just carry my phone, keys and credit card!
2007 - Cleveland-Marshall College of Law (J.D., magna cum laude; Associate, Cleveland State Law Review, 2006-2007; Board of Governors, Moot Court, 2006-2007)
2004 - Miami University (B.S. in Business)
State of Ohio
Lorain County Bar Association
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